Sunday, July 28, 2013

Reason #6 to Be Happy: Your Happy Place

Hello friends! So you know how when you go to the doctor or dentist or whatever they tell you to go to your happy place? Well, I want to talk about my happy place today. Luckily, there won't be any pain to go along with it this time!There's one reason to smile! :)

 My husband, Brad and I went on our honeymoon to Oahu. We went in November when things were starting to get cold and unpleasant where we live. I had been to Hawaii before but it was even better with my best friend. We were there over Thanksgiving. Instead of having turkey (which I wouldn't have had anyway since I'm a vegetarian)we had pineapple! I thought it was a great trade!

We are both really easy going so it was nice to have such a relaxing holiday. Hardly a day goes by that we don't talk about Hawaii in some way. We are always talking about how our dream house in Hawaii will be someday, what we would do to live in Hawaii, how people we know who moved here from Hawaii are slightly crazy, and lots of other Hawaii related things. 

Our happy place is really wherever we are together. But, Hawaii is what I consider our happy place. 

Now, I have a question for you! What/where is your happy place??

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