Thursday, July 25, 2013

Reason to Be Happy #5: Clorox and Ranae

Happy day everyone! So, I know that my blog post has the strangest name again. But, if you know me you know that I don't claim to be completely normal. In fact, I think being a little weird makes someone much more interesting.

Anyway, one thing that I have learned in my eight months being married is that I am less domestic than I thought. I always thought I would like cooking and not mind cleaning. But, honestly, there are usually things that I would much rather do. Okay, let's be honest. About 99% of the time I would rather be doing something other than cooking or cleaning. If cookies, brownies, and baked treats were good meals then I would be super domestic. Unfortunately, they are not. I also believe that my wonderful husband deserves a good dinner. 

My point is that I am grateful for things that make the chores of a wife a lot easier. Today I had to clean our bathrooms. It was not an option. I am creative and live with clutter. But, I can only handle so much. When things get to a certain point I am done and they are no longer okay the way that they are. That is where clorox comes in. I can not explain how much I love clorox wipes. Just about every single time I clean anything I use them. It is one of those items that is permanent on our Costco shopping list. 

Oh, how I love those colorful plastic containers. Do you have favorite things that make life a little easier for you? I would love to know!

Now for the second part of today's blog post, Ranae. Those of you who don't know who Ranae Christine is you should. She is becoming one of my favorite blog people. She is hilarious and great! You can check out her site at

She reviews items and gives tips to entrepreneurs/ business owners. One thing that I love about Ranae, besides how funny she is, is that family is really important to her. She has a youtube channel and even includes her daughters in doing a lot of her vlogs! How cool is that? You can check out her youtube channel at .They are helpful, really entertaining, and sweet and short. 

Ranae actually did a vlog for my shop on here channel today! You can watch it right here!

Hopefully something here has reminded you of a reason to smile. Here are a few more ideas to help you have a day full of smiles...

Thanks! Remember to comment! I would love to hear from you and know your reasons to smile!

<3 Maddie Rose

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